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This document needs revision. It is currently a reproduction of the Facebook community standard of the same name which can be found here:


Our platform is dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for users of all backgrounds. As such, we strictly prohibit sexual solicitation, including explicit or implicit requests for sexual favors, services, or content. We also restrict sexually-explicit language that may lead to sexual solicitation. This policy aims to prevent harmful or exploitative interactions and protect the well-being of our community members.

Unpress UNPRESS may be used to discuss issues surrounding sexual violence and exploitation, sex worker rights advocacy, and sex work regulation. The platform allows for the expression of sexual desires, promotion of sex education, non-graphic discussions of sexual practices or experiences, and offering classes or programs that teach techniques or address sexual topics.


  1. Explicit or implicit requests for sexual services, favors, or content, including prostitution, escort services, or pornography. This includes what is in the Exploitation standard.

  2. Sharing or requesting personal contact information with the intent of engaging in sexual activities.

  3. Using sexually suggestive language, innuendos, or emojis to solicit sexual interactions or content. This includes depictions of sexual activity such as sexual roles, sex positions, fetish scenarios, state of arousal, act of sexual intercourse or activity, and audio of sexual activity.

  4. Offering or requesting explicit images, videos, or other media, including unsolicited sharing of intimate content.

  5. Encouraging or coordinating the exchange of sexual services or content for money, goods, or services.

  6. Creating, sharing, or promoting content that facilitates sexual solicitation, such as websites, forums, or groups dedicated to such activities.
