Unpress UNPRESS respects intellectual property rights and expects users to do the same. Our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines prohibit content that violates or infringes upon copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.
Copyright legally protects original works (e.g., music, videos). It safeguards an original expression of an idea but not the underlying ideas or facts.
Copyright Infringement
Unpress UNPRESS disallows content that infringes on copyright. Unauthorized use of copyrighted content without proper authorization or valid legal reason may violate our policies. However, exceptions to copyright infringement, such as fair use in the United States or fair dealing in the European Union, permit using copyrighted works under specific circumstances without authorization.
Content that infringes on another's copyright may be removed, and accounts may be suspended or terminated for multiple copyright violations or other breaches of Terms of Service, Community Standards, or Editorial Standards. Unpress UNPRESS reserves the right to deny service to users with previous improper activities.
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Copyright Directive (EU 2019/790), for inquiries about granting authorization for Unpress UNPRESS to use your copyright-protected works please use this form. To request that your music or audiovisual works are made unavailable in the EU, please contact us at legal@unpress.com. Unpress UNPRESS offers a copyright infringement dispute resolution mechanism, but rightsholders can still assert their rights in court.
If you receive a copyright infringement notification that you believe to be in error, you can contact the copyright owner or provide a counter-notification. The counter-notification process may take time. Unpress UNPRESS may replace or cease disabling access to removed material at its sole discretion.
If we do not receive notice that the original reporter is seeking a court order to prevent further infringement of the material at issue, we may replace or cease disabling access to the material that was removed if the material does not infringe on third-party copyright. The decision to re-post any material is at Unpress’ UNPRESS’ sole discretion.
If you are a user located inside of the European Union
Content that violates another's trademark rights may be removed. Repeat trademark violations or other Terms of Service, Community Standards or Editorial Standards breaches may result in account suspension or termination. Unpress UNPRESS reserves the right to deny service to users with previous improper activities.
If you believe a trademark infringement notification is in error, you can contact the trademark owner or provide a counter-notification. Counter-notifications must contain the necessary information, or they may be denied.
General Note
As an Unpress UNPRESS user, you are responsible for your content. If you have questions about copyright or trademark law, please consult an attorney. If you are unsure whether the material you plan to report is infringing or violating another person's rights, please seek legal advice before reporting such content to us.