Username - choose a unique username to represent yourself. Once you select a username, you cannot change it.
Firstname - can be modified from your profile page.
Lastname - can be modified from your profile page.
Email - This is the email address of the account you logged in to. It cannot be changed.
Birthdate - We use your birthdate to verify that you are old enough to use the platform. It will never be visible to other users. Once set, you can change it from your profile page.
Bio - can be modified from your profile page.
Once complete, hit the Sign up button to complete your account creation. Once complete, we suggest going into your profile and creating an Introduction Story.
Profile Best Practices
Here are some best practices for setting up your profile:
Selecting an appropriate username is an important step in setting up your UNPRESS profile, and once selected it cannot be changed. Here are some tips for choosing a username that suits you best:
Remember, your username is a key component of your online presence on UNPRESS, so choose one that effectively represents you and is easily searchable.
User Picture
By default, we will use the user photo from your social login account. You may want to change it in accordance with the following.
Quality and Professionalism: Choose a high-quality, professional photo that represents you. This could be a headshot or a photo that reflects your journalistic focus.
Appropriate and Engaging: Ensure the photo is appropriate for a professional platform and is engaging to your audience.
Unique and Identifiable: Ensure you choose a picture that will be unique and help you stand out.
Background Image
Relevant and Reflective: Select a background image that reflects your journalistic interests or the themes you cover. This could be an image from a story you've covered or a graphic that represents your beat.
High Resolution: Use a high-resolution image to ensure it looks good on all devices.
Writing a Bio
Your Bio should be used to inform your audience of who you are, your credentials, and your experience. It should answer the question of why they should trust you.
Concise and Informative: Write a bio that is concise yet informative, summarizing your journalistic experience and areas of expertise.
Personal Touch: Add a personal touch to make your bio relatable. Share what drives your passion for journalism.
Professional Achievements: Mention any notable achievements or publications to establish credibility.
Creating an Introduction Story
Nothing introduces you to your audience like an Intro Story. We highly recommend you create a short video story that introduces you, your background and the topics or beats you plan to cover.